• In the role of Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs: Curriculum and Faculty Development, Coltharp provides leadership in the development and reform of undergraduate and graduate curricula in collaboration with the University Curriculum Council and the Commission on Graduate Studies. As an ex-officio member of the University Curriculum Council, he supports academic departments and individual faculty members in all matters related to faculty promotion and tenure, reviews of probationary faculty members, and termination. He is responsible for editing and preparing the Courses of Study Bulletin and preparing the course schedule in collaboration with the Registrar. He organizes New Faculty Orientation and leads development efforts for newly appointed department chairs. Coltharp supervises the selection process for the Z. T. Scott Faculty Fellowship, Murchison term professorships, the Piper Professor nomination, and other faculty awards.

    To support the implementation of the Trinity Tomorrow strategic plan, Coltharp provides strategic leadership for the Collaborative for Learning and Teaching and the Center for Experiential Learning and Career Success. He manages curricular and pedagogical innovation grants and serves as the Principal Investigator of a grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to support the implementation of the Pathways curriculum.

    As a scholar, Coltharp’s primary research interests include the literature and culture of eighteenth-century Britain.

    • Ph.D., The University of Michigan 
    • B.A., Missouri State University
    • “Raising Wonder: The Use of the Passions in Dryden’s A Song for St. Cecilia’s Day.” Restoration: Studies in English Literary Culture, 1660-1700 28.2 (2004): 1-18.
    • “Radical Royalism: Strategy and Ambivalence in Dryden’s Tragicomedies.” Philological Quarterly 78.4 (1999): 417-37.
    • “Patriarchalism at Risk in The Spanish Fryar.” SEL: Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 39.3 (1999): 427-41.
    • First-Year Experiences: Science Fiction 
    • HUMA: Great Books in Western Modernity
    • Restoration Drama